AboutWhile the previous decades of the contemporary era were mainly steered by macro/micron-scale science, technology and innovation, current human society is being shaped, among others, by the modern trends driven by nanosciences and nanotechnology in view of the quest for miniaturization and societal prerogatives. Aligned with the UNESCO’s priorities as defined in its Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013, and fitting with the UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks platforms, this Africa chair implements & cements of implementing and cementing the trilateral partnership between UNESCO, UNISA, and iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation of South Africa in the multidisciplinary field of Nanosciences & Nanotechnology. This joint chair, the UNESCO UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences & Nanotechnology (U2ACN2), aims to be the official vehicle and sustainable catalyst of the currently operational academic continental network, the NANOsciences AFrican NETwork (NANOAFNET) which is an Abdus Salam ICTP network in Nanosciences (ICTP Network n63). |
Sidiki Zongo |
Zebib Nuru |
L’Oréal-UNESCO Fellowships |